Monday, October 21, 2019

Social Conflict Notes Essay Example

Social Conflict Notes Essay Example Social Conflict Notes Essay Social Conflict Notes Essay Thinking Sociologically From: Will Keenan Social Conflict Perspective Discussion Themes: Conflict: Positive Negative Aspects Is society inherently, inevitably and universally ‘conflictual’? 1. When is conflict ever productive of social benefits? 2. Identify areas of social conflict that have wider ethical significance. Further Readings Follow-Up: Articles by: David F. Walsh Structure/Agency, pp. 8-33; Fran Tonkiss continuity/Change, pp. 34-48; and Don Slater Needs/Wants, pp. 315-28. in Jenks, Chris (ed. ) (1998) Core Sociological Dichotomies (Sage), Making Notes Look up the SUBJECT INDEX of Jenks (ed. ) and at least 1 Introductory Textbook/Encyclopaedia/Dictionary in Sociology and make notes under the following themes: basic Marxism; social conflict; social change; interests; power The Conflict Perspective: Key Ideas: In this view ‘Society’ is regarded as a scene of fundamental conflict between opposing interest groups. These conflicting interests may be based on: social class; race and ethnicity; gender and sexual orientation; disability; age, religion, cultural taste etc. There is no consensus other than a manipulated and manufactured one serving the dominant social groups’ interests. Society has no set purpose and no overarching goals outside these struggles for dominance and privilege. Key Names: Marx, Althusser, Gramsci, Poulantzas, Milliband, Stuart Hall Debates: KEY CONCEPTS FUNCTIONALISM vs MARXISM ORDER vs CONFLICT STABILITY vs CHANGE NEEDS vs INTERESTS CONSENSUS vs DISSENSUS INTEGRATION vs DIVISION HARMONY vs STRUGGLE ‘Big Guns’ Key Names: Marx(ists), Althusser, Gramsci, Poulantzas, Stuart Hall etc Frankfurt School: Marcuse, Adorno, Habermas, Critical Theorists Radical Feminism from Simone de Bouvoir to bell hooks Core elements of the ‘Marxian’ CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE Social class based on economic ownership is the key to power in society Class conflict is the source of all social power, social change and progress A ruling class and its subject classes are engaged in exploitative social relationships Class consciousness and False Consciousness characterize social life Alienation is the condition of exploited classes under capitalism Economic base (or infrastructure) and Political / Ideological superstructure Some Further Ideas Althusser employs the following key ideas: Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) mass media; education? Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs) Hegemony Gramsci refers to ‘organic intellectuals’ Stuart Hall: the importance of culture CRITIQUE Unscientific (the Faith of Marxism Popper) Conspiracy theory (especially aimed at Instrumental Marxists) Communism does not appear imminent Left Functionalism (Jock Young: argues most Marxism is little more than form of Functionalism that replaces interests of society with ruling class). Subjective beliefs and interpretations of individuals ignored (Weber) Economic determinism Forms of (non-economic) conflict (gender, ethnic group) ignored in favour of economic conflicts Key Critics Popper, Weber, Dahrendorf, New Left ‘Idealism’ New Right Theorists Sociobiologists Radical Feminists Postmodernists Conflict and Change †¦ Order/Conflict Practical Activity Break into groups of 4 or 5 persons Identify a Spokesperson for Feedback Select ANY 2 THEMES on the handout list See if you can briefly identify the ORDER and the CONFLICT potential of your 2 themes. It would be great if groups chose at least 1 theme that was different from that of other groups TASK 1:- Consider any TWO of the following themes and identify aspects of social order and social conflict: Themes WAR RACE/ETHNICITY GENDER/SEXUALITY RELIGION AGE STYLE TASTE SPORT Task 2:- The ‘Peace in the Feud’ Principle IDENTIFY ‘DUAL’ ASPECTS of and consider opportunities for SOCIAL COOPERATION – i. Sports ii. Neighbours iii. Social Classes iv. Nations

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